Pickpook: The Unseen Edu & Travels: Apple Watch New Patent Shows That The Wearer Can Control HomePod, Smart Home Devices and More Through Gestures

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Apple Watch New Patent Shows That The Wearer Can Control HomePod, Smart Home Devices and More Through Gestures

New patent for Apple Watch: The Wearer can control HomePod, smart home devices and more using gestures

Friday 10 March 2023

/ by Gabriel Okenwa
Imagine a scenario where you can raise the volume of the HomePod by raising your hand after wearing the Apple Watch smart watch; you can pull the smart curtains by swiping; or mute the sound by raising your head. That's the application scenario Apple envisions in its latest patent.

According to the list published by the United States Trademark and Patent Office (USPTO), Apple has obtained a new patent titled "Multi-Device Gesture Control."

The patent shows that by embedding multiple sensors in the Apple Watch, it can monitor the user's gestures and control other networked devices according to the gestures.

Pickpook translated the patent abstract as follows: "The electronic device can control a specific element by mapping a limited set of user gestures to multiple other devices, thereby controlling different functions of multiple devices through gestures."

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